K-12 Consulting Services

According to the National Association of Secondary Principal’s recent survey half of school, leaders are considering a career change or early retirement in the next three years due to stress. Unfortunately, leaders are stretched too thin. They not only have to prioritize meeting the needs of students but their educators and support staff as they are navigating the lingering impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

One strategy to alleviate stress on building and district leaders is to provide targeted assistance and support from an experienced consultant.

I offer tailored consulting services to support your district and leaders’ in efforts to improve the educational outcomes of all.

Core Service Areas

  • Backbone Organization Support for Grant-Funded Programs

  • Change Management

  • Equity Audit

  • Postsecondary Transition and Success

  • Program Evaluation

  • Short-Term Project Management

  • Strategic Planning

Interested in learning more?

Give me a call - (269) 359-1183